Waterproof Survival Playing Cards Deck
This set contains a full deck of 54 EDC survival playing cards. This includes everything from to first aid and repair, to trapping on land or in the water, how to pick locks, and more. The information found on these waterproof cards is useful for urban areas, as well as in a wilderness survival situation. This set of survival playing cards also comes with a Metal Storage Tin, marking it for what it is, a deck of information! Information for every day, wilderness survival, urban emergencies, and more. Each of these waterproof playing cards is tear-resistant, and jam-packed with useful information. Designed to be weatherproof, uv resistant, tear resistant, and long-lasting.
Critical Information on Each of these Waterproof Playing Cards
With 54 different EDC survival playing cards, we have enough information to fill a survival guide, a lightweight and extremely portable survival guide that is.
Uv Resistant and Waterproof Playing Cards
These survival playing cards are completely waterproof and uv resistant so you don't have to worry about being outdoors, or keeping them out of the rain
Tear Resistant Survival Playing Cards
Waterproof playing cards made from plastic to reduce the threat of tearing or accidental puncture.
Credit Card Size Tip Cards and Survival Playing Cards
Each tip card in this deck of waterproof playing cards is the size of a standard credit card, and includes a steel carrying tin, so not only can you store your survival deck of cards, but you can also store additional items within the EDC storage tin it comes in.
Waterproof Playing Cards with Tips for Every Situation
Dozens of from Grim Workshop exist, each with some of the best survival tips ever on their own unique subject and focus, all containing valuable information, perfect for the avid learner, bushcraft, or hunting enthusiast, or as an emergency information kit in a mini survival kit, get home bag, or bug out bag. To view our entire line of survival tip cards click
This waterproof survival playing cards deck contains the following:
Tip Cards #21-74 (54 cards)
#21 Improvised Bow Saw tip card
#22 Diy Turkey Call tip card
#23 How to Shim a Padlock tip card
#24 Detecting a Lie tip card
#25 Snaring Reference tip card
#26 Cleaning a Fish tip card
#27 Removing an Embedded Hook tip card
#28 Knot Tying Reference tip card
#29 Primitive Winch tip card
#30 Catching, and Skinning Squirrel tip card
#31 Skinning a Rabbit tip card
#32 How to make Hardtack tip card
#33 First Aid Suture Reference tip card
#34 How to make an improvised backpack tip card
#35 Water Collection Methods tip card
#36 Dakota Fire Hole tip card
#37 How to make lye tip card
#38 How to make soap tip card
#39 Trail Sign Reference tip card
#40 How to make Cob (Natural Cement) tip card
#41 how to make a mask tip card
#42 Diy Sanitizer Liquid tip card
#43 Length and Speed Conversion Chart tip card
#44 Mass, Weight, and Temperature Conversion Chart tip card
#45 Volume Conversion Chart tip card
#46 How to make an alcohol stove tip card
#47Anti Biotics and Their Common Uses #1 tip card
#48 How to make a bow drill (Friction Fire) tip card
#49 How to make an arrow/Spear tip card
#50 How to make an Atlatl tip card
#51 Anti Biotics and their Common Uses #2 tip card
#52 CPR Reference tip card
#53 Food With Natural Long Term Shelf Life tip card
#54 Nighttime Navigation tip card
#55 Poisonous Plant Identification tip card
#56 Diy Tourniquet tip card
#57 Water Purification (Solar Desalination) tip card
#58 How to Make Glue tip card
#59 Ticks (how to remove and common illnesses) tip card
#60 Hypothermia (symptoms and treatment) tip card
#61 Heat Exposure (heat exhaustion Vs Heat Stroke) tip card
#62 How to Make a Fish Trap tip card
#63 Archery Basics tip card
#64 Fishing Hook Types and Their Uses tip card
#65 Campfire Basics tip card
#66 Fishing Lure Tips tip card
#67 Urine Color and Meaning tip card
#68 Ear Infection Prevention tip card
#69 Finding North With No Compass tip card
#70 Making a Tinder Bundle tip card
#71 How to Gig a Frog tip card
#72 Penny Survival Tips tip card
#73 Tip Card Index tip card
#74 Pocker Hands Reference tip card